Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Match Day Results

Neal's graduation is in two days, and I can't believe that med school will be a thing of the past. If only I could say the same for residency...

Match day was two months ago, and I didn't do a great job of letting people know the results. Neal matched at KU for both his preliminary year in internal medicine and for his 3 anesthesiology years, which means we are staying put right here in Kansas City. We are mostly happy about this , but there are some downsides which I will not elaborate on because I don't want to be a whiner. Never mind that KU pays its residents less than almost any other residency program and that the Kansas legislature is trying to decrease their pay...we don't have to sell our house! Never mind that our house is kind of small...we love our ward and the area where we live.

Alright, I wasn't supposed to elaborate, but at least I'm trying to be positive (anyone wanting to hear more of my complaints will have to contact me personally). All-in-all we are really glad to stay here and we are very grateful that Neal matched in a competitive specialty.

Just a quick update on my own job situation: I accepted the job and will be an independent contractor for 1 year, and then will have the option of becoming an employee of the company. I'm starting June 22, and I'm excited.

1 comment:

matt said...

That is awesome news, I understand that there are some things to be excited about and some parts of it that aren't that exciting, most of the DO residencies are in michigan/ohio which is where I would least like to end up for 4 years, but hey its only temporary...

I am really excited for you guys and you are both good examples for me, I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel yet but maybe you guys can tell me how good it looks :)